Growing up, I would hear all the time:

“Dirt makes your hair grow”.

…and we truly believed that the longer you could go without washing your hair, the longer your hair would be. Flip to 2019, and everyone now knows… That was a lie! *in my Maury voice*We now know that in order to have long, healthy hair you want to make sure that you have a clean and healthy scalp.

Fast forward to about 2015, and we have the boom of the shampoo brush. They swivel, they vibrate, they do the dishes, shampoo brushes suddenly did it all! There was suddenly so many different ways to clean your scalp, I was wondering what the hell I had been doing all this time simply using the pads of my fingers and a light scratch. How was my scalp getting clean, Sway? HOW!?! There were so many brushes to choose from that I literally… didn’t purchase one. It was just too murch, and there were just way to many options.

Finally, in 2018, I decided to pull the trigger and get one. I thought of getting the one that vibrates that all of the Youtubers had coupons for, but decided not to because I couldn’t decide on which Youtuber I wanted to support (in real life, I felt guilty). Then I thought of maybe getting the one I saw for a dollar at Dollar Tree, but decided not to because it would probably only last me one wash. Then one night, while I was up late online meditating shopping when I should have been sleeping, I saw that Briogeo had a Scalp Revival Stimulating Therapy Massager at Sephora. I had already been eyeing their Hair-O-Scopes gift set, and had heard so many great things about the brand, I figured why not give their shampoo brush a try.

The Claims:

The Briogeo Scalp Revival Stimulating Therapy Massager claims to be a hand-held massager that can be used wet or dry, and helps to increase circulation to support healthy scalp and hair

This lead me to… a Review:


Easy find (Kind of): If you are someone who shops at Sephora all the time like me, it was nice to just add it to my cart and have it shipped to my door. Even if you are not, a quick Google search showed me that this brush can be found at Nordstrom, and Amazon.

Design: The design of this shampoo brush is nice. As someone who has undiagnosed carpal tunnel (because I don’t want to hear the actual diagnosis that I have carpal tunnel…) this was super important to me. The design made it so that I could hold on to it for extended periods of time without getting a cramp in my hand. It is extremely comfortable, and the handle on the top makes it so that the shampoo brush doesn’t slip while your hands and hair are covered in shampoo.

Another feature that I love are the “bristles”. The “bristles” are made with a firm, but still flexible material. Some of the shampoo brushes that I have held (but not actually used on my scalp) were made of a hard plastic that I would imagine would just scratch your scalp and possibly cause damage to it. Not only are the bristles on the Briogeo shampoo brush firm, yet flexible, but they also have an X design on the tips to help with removing any built up sebum or products that may be on your scalp.

Quality: Now, this was my first and only shampoo brush, but I can attest to the fact that this one is made durably and with quality materials. We sometimes buy things from certain places with a higher price tag expecting it to withstand the test of time, and it breaks after just a few uses. That is not what you are getting with this Briogeo shampoo brush. It is built to last.

Now for the Cons….

Price: This shampoo brush cost 16 dollars. In a market were shampoo brushes do the upmost (vibrating, oscillating, etc.), 16 bucks for a shampoo brush that essentially does… nothing… could seem a bit steep. Especially so when the shampoo brushes that have these other functions are around this price range, and some are even cheaper.

Can’t be Readily Purchased (for some): Depending on where you live, your only option for getting this baby may be to order it online. Some of us may be luckier than others with this, but where I live in the Midwest, even my local Sephora did not have it in stock at the store. While it can be purchased online from a couple other retailers, you may not be able to get it on the ground same day depending on your location. However, if you are kind of always on or the Sephora app when you should be doing something else, then this is a non-issue.

Final Score: 8.5/10

All in all, I give this shampoo brush a 8.5/10 due to it being a relatively easy to find, actually doing what it claims to do without all of the extra gimmicks, and quality design and build. I could not give it a 10/10 only because I could see this being somewhat difficult for some to actually purchase in store depending on where they live, and also because it is pretty basic for the price point. It’s worth it, but still basic.

Have you tried a scalp massager/shampoo brush? What was your experience?