I’m sure that you are wondering “where the hell am I? What is this place all about?” and I just want to reassure you that you have reached a safe space.

My name is Sea, and I am a mom, fiance, and all natural beauty freak. By day, I am a regular Joanna-Schmoanna working in the corporate world, attending meetings, and conducting audits and investigations. By night I am on the hunt for anything fierce, natural, and something that actually does what it claims to do. I am always looking for that “thing” that will make my naturally kinky-curly hair stronger and shinier, or my oily, acne-prone skin clear and blemish free. I’m always looking for, or creating, a deliciously quick recipe to nourish my body, or a cute, affordable cape to hide the fact that I have been indulging in not-so-nourishing, WAY too quick recipes… like fast food and microwavable meals.

Enough about me, I’m sure you’re saying “get to the point! What will you be writing about?” Glad you asked! Because this is a blog that will be written mostly from personal experience, often articles will be rather specific (I am a kinky-haired natural, I have oily, acne prone skin, etc). My vision for this blog is that it is truly boutique style; random, you’ll never know what you’re going to get but it will always be a cute, one-of-a-kind find that you’ll be able to show off to all your friends. I am hoping that there will always be something for everyone regardless of acne-free your skin may be (sidebar: I’m jealous!) or how fashion forward you already are. As someone that Google’s EVERYTHING before I buy it (shawty is all about the reviews!), this blog will also always provide honest opinions about products and attempt to highlight the pros and cons of products. That way, even if something doesn’t work for me, maybe it’s exactly what someone else needs and they can say I sent them 😉

My intention is that articles are posted regularly. This may ebb and flow as I find gems, create new food and beauty recipes, and get worked like a race horse at my corporate job. Stay with me folks, the ride is going to be fun 🙂
