Are you slowly watching the pounds creep on thanks to all of the delivered foods and super sedentary life since our quarantine?


I’ve honestly been struggling with getting back into the swing of eating healthy and regular workouts since I had my first child… 8 years ago.

(I’m just being fully transparent)

However, recently I’ve decided to really get my self together. While I actually love my mommy curves, I hated how absolutely weak and lethargic I’ve become. I’m seriously struggle with lifting almost anything, my core strength is non existent, and my posture is horrible from being bent over a computer and having super weak back muscles. I literally can’t hold my 2 year old daughter for longer than about 90 seconds before I have to just sit down with her because “MY BACK!”

But our health is important, and we should absolutely be taking the time out to keep ourselves fit. When I finally decided to get back to my healthy lifestyle, I was totally lost. I didn’t know where to start, and my impulse was to just go with what I know, which was my current unhealthy, sedentary lifestyle.

I knew that I would need to make it super easy for myself and something that didn’t take a whole lot of time because I already don’t have any. When I am feeling my laziest, I head right over to Youtube for everything and fitness and health videos are no exception. I remembered some of my favorite Fitness Youtubers that I used to follow and they (of course) still had banging bodies and were cranking out videos! Once I started to implement some of their advice, meal ideas, and work out videos, I saw results immediately!

Like, literally within 2 weeks.

It was amazing! I was hooked!

None of it was time consuming… the workouts could be done in 20 minutes TOPS with little to no equipment… and still I saw results.

I had to share!

So of course… without further ado:

My 7 Favorite Fitness Youtubers

all of their channels are linked below!


Christine’s channel is amazing if you are just starting out in your fitness journey and really don’t know where to start. She is the absolute truth if you want to truly understand how food affects your body and how to optimize your workouts with your meals. She makes great videos about body types, and the best way to meal plan for your body type. She is also a food scientist and chemical engineer, so you know that you can trust her advice.


Brittne’s channel is really diverse. She posts videos about everything from fitness, to hauls, to cooking videos. My favorite videos of hers are her quick work out videos. They’re quick, but you definitely will feel the burn. She uses little to no equipment which is great if you are working out from home like me, but still want to build muscle.

Toni Mitchell

Toni’s channel is an amazing channel if you are looking for more than just work out videos. She is a vegan youtuber, so she makes videos featuring plant based meals that are healthy and help with weight control, fat loss, and muscle gain. She also does vlogs (which I love) and since our latest quarantine situation she has started creating follow along at-home work out videos which are bomb.

Chloe Ting

Chloe doesn’t need much of an introduction. Her workout videos have gone viral any number of times. Those that have tried some of her workouts have also made videos showing amazing results. I’ve also tried her follow along work out videos and I can attest that (even with being super inconsistent) I still had noticeable results in less than a month. She also has exercise modifications within the workout videos which are awesome when you are just getting back into the swing of things like me.

Sarah’s Day

Sarah’s channel is one of the first fitness channels I started watching. She has a great personality, a diverse video selection, and (most importantly) helpful fitness and health videos. She has been my go-to for meal ideas and What I Eat in a Day videos that I know are going to be super healthy, but not overly restrictive.

Pamela Reif

Pamela’s channel is chock-full of workout videos for any and every level. I personally love to do her workouts because they can be done at-home, and are quick but still effective. The above video humbled me when I first did it, but I absolutely got results from it!

Joanna Soh

Joanna’s channel is another awesome channel with lots of variety. What I like most about her channel is that she not only provides at-home and gym workouts, but lots of information about how to optimize your fitness and health with foods that we all love (she eats rice everyday!). From meal plans, to detox drinks, to healthy late night snacks, Joanna’s got you covered!


While a strong, fit body is something I definitely want, with all of the viruses randomness going ’round, I also think that now is the best time to make my health and fitness a priority. I’ll admit, quarantine or not, it’s super easy to get caught up with everything else that is going on in your life like work, your children, or the latest Netflix series. It truly takes discipline to work out regularly and make healthy meals, and with our hectic adult lives, the path of least resistance just seems like the laziest best option. But Now is the time! Who cares what you did (or didn’t do), or ate yesterday. Take the time to make your health your priority today!

These ladies are my fave for when I am really making my health and fitness a priority, but there are definitely more! Who are some of your favorite Fitness Youtubers?