A lot of us have been d.i.y’ing more than usual over the last 12 months due to quarantine and trying…
Ayruveda Hair Uncategorized
6 Youtube Channel to Grow Long, Healthy Natural Hair with Henna and Ayruveda
My Henna hair growth recipe and ayruvedic oil recipe have garnered a few questions. I will be doing more of…
I’ve been using henna (and indigo) in my natural haircare routine for about 12 years, and it has been instrumental…
* Flaxseed Gel craze has entered the chat!* Flaxseed gel is ALL the rage in the natural hair community, and…
Everyone knows when they are growing their hair that they need to eat well, drink lots of water, take vitamins,…
Growing up, I would hear all the time: “Dirt makes your hair grow”. …and we truly believed that the longer…