This post contains affiliate links. While I will make a small commission off of any purchases that are made using these links, this is at no additional cost to you. I also only link products that I have used and truly recommend.

As someone who suffers from hyperpigmentation, I am always on the hunt for the magical product that will fade my acne scars. Lemon peel this, glycolic acid that… I am constantly scowering the aisles for something to get rid of my dark spots overnight. While we are all aware that that’s not how fading hyperpigmentation works (it can literally take MONTHS) I did find quite a few products that delivered on its skin tone evening/resurfacing claims. The only problem with this was that they were high-end products, so they were relatively expensive usually costing between 40 and 100 dollars. As a mom, someone who is fiscally responsible, and a reformed product junkie, I am always looking for an affordable yet effective solution to my perceived problem.

…story time…
One day while perusing my favorite area of the health/vitamin store (the ESSENTIAL OIL RACK!) I saw an essential oil that I had never really paid much attention to: Sweet Orange Oil. I did the first thing that I always do when picking a new essential oil (I gave it a whiff!) and of course the smell was a delightful citrus aroma. I then noticed that the label on the bottle said brightening. It then dawned on me: this oil could be used for brightening my dark spots! and I immediately purchased it. Amazingly it only cost me about 3-4 dollars, so I bought 2 bottles.

Sweet Orange Essential Oil was seriously one of my best purchases for my dark spots. I started using this oil to give my moisturizers a vitamin c boost and help fade my dark spots. I simply add 1-2 drops to my dispensed moisturizer day and night. I then watched my hyperpigmentation begin to fade within a week! As a bonus, because I am only using a few drops a day, one bottle lasts me forever.

When I got home, I did some research and found that in addition to its dark spot brightening abilities, it also contains antioxidants (source). Sweet Orange Essential Oil also has antibacterial, anti inflammatory properties (source) which is great for us acne-prone girls. Last but certainly not least, Sweet Orange Essential Oil promotes collagen production. This helps to ward off wrinkles and create soft, supple skin for those of you who don’t have acne to worry about (I’m jealous), and are just looking for something with awesome anti-aging benefits.

Acne fighting, dark spot correcting, anti-aging oil for less than 4 dollars? YES PLEASE!

Have you used Sweet Orange Essential Oil? What were your results?