One of my stools… NOT my shower stool

For most Natural haired beauties, wash day is an EVENT!

While I was pregnant, everything was a struggle… Finding scents that didn’t make me vomit, tying my shoes, getting comfortable enough to fall (and stay!) asleep; ALL a struggle. Because I was suffering from some serious fatigue, my beauty maintenance was non-existent. One thing that fell by the wayside was my hair care.

Wash day was absolutely dreadful because I just did not have the energy. Was I tired of having a dry, dirty mop on my head? Sure! But do I have the energy to fix it? Hellz no! Every now and again though, I did have to suck it up and git ‘er done because, ya know, I had to leave the house.

These few tweaks to my natural hair wash day made it MUCH MORE bearable…

1. Do as much as you can outside the shower

This was crucial or me. I remember sometimes getting in the shower with matted, dirty hair and not getting out for an hour or sometimes an hour and a half… That was just NOT AN OPTION when I was pregnant! Because of this, the majority of my wash day took place on my couch. Detangle and Pre-Poo? On the couch. Deep Conditioning? On the couch. Styling? ON THE COUCH!

I literally would only get in the shower to wash my hair or rinse my conditioner…. and even that was optional because I would often find myself rinsing in the kitchen sink. By doing the majority of my wash day sitting down, I wasn’t expending all of this energy that I didn’t really have to begin with.

2. Use a stool in the shower

If you read my other post, then you know a stool in your bathroom during your pregnancy is clutch AF. When I did force myself to hop in the shower on wash day, this stool was there to give me a much needed break mid shower. For some reason, I would get sooooooo winded while I was in the shower.

I would also suffer from some serious dizziness (I’ve literally collapsed in the shower!) from the steam, so this stool was much needed. I would get in the shower and immediately HAVE A SEAT! (Are you noticing a trend yet?) I’d then allow the water to beat rinse down on my head and rinse away my stress… and conditioner and dirt 🙂

*Fun Fact* that same stool is just as clutch even if you’re not washing your hair… or pregnant

*Another Fun Fact* use a plastic stool so that your wooden one doesn’t rot… trust me on this one.

3. Detachable shower head…

This goes with having a stool because it allows you to bring the water source down to you while you are seated. A detachable shower head then allows you to really get in there and rinse all of your products out thoroughly which can be more difficult if your sitting down. It doesn’t seem like a big deal but it truly made all the difference.

Chime in ladies! What things did you do to make your pregnant wash day bearable?

Shalom, salam, paz, PEACE!
