Life happens, spit happens, shit happens… and it sucks.

Just like every other time, all the other things in my life took priority and the one thing that was my outlet was suddenly a distant memory. Dramatic, I know- but it seemed like once I returned to work after having my baby girl, all hell broke loose. Suddenly I didn’t have time to take a picture, post a blog post, or even get a pedi. I looked up one day and realized that it had been over a month since I had last posted to this blog, or even posted a damn picture on Instagram. Between my fairly demanding job in healthcare, being a mom, and some serious upsets in my household, I was left mentally, and emotionally drained.


I realized that I needed to take one of my Self Love Sunday tips and make time for myself, and do something that I love to do. Blogging is something that I love to do, and I won’t let her go! We are married… for better or for worse…

Shalom, Salam, Paz, Peace!
