If you are like me, you’ve struggled with acne for a significant part of your life. You spent your adolescence excited for the day you were a grown up so that your acne would *poof* magically disappear only to have…. The absolute worse acne of your life

Acne circa 2018
A 2016 desperate night

Acne is easily the most consistent annoyance in my life. The only thing more annoying than having acne is having a product makes your acne worse!

I’ve spent almost my entire life looking for miracle products to cure my acne, and more often than I cared for, I ended up finding products that made my acne worse. However, now after years of trial and error, I’ve finally found 5 moisturizers that not only are clean, but don’t break me out and help to clear my skin!

So without further ado:

My Top 5 All-Natural Moisturizers for My Acne Prone Skin

This post contains affiliate links. This means that I receive a small commission from any purchases made at no additional cost to you. Because I value your trust, I only recommend products that I have actually used and loved!

1.Shea Butter

Shea butter is an oil that is extracted from the nuts of the Shea tree. It contains oleic acid, stearic acid, linoleic acid (source) which are known to promote healthy skin. Shea butter is jam packed with vitamins and minerals including vitamins A, E, and F, which are known to promote healthy skin growth (source) and is also thought to be anti-inflammatory and contain anti-oxidative properties (source). Shea butter is an amazing moisturizer for acne prone skin. I like to use it during the colder months at night because it can be a bit greasy. I apply it after my toner (while my skin is still damp) if I’m not using another moisturizer or as a final step to lock everything in. It does an amazing job of locking in the moisture and doesn’t cause breakouts!

2.Jojoba Oil

Jojoba oil is a proven anti-inflammatory and is known to help repair the skin barrier of those whom have altered skin barriers (source). Jojoba oil contains vitamins E and B, and also contains zinc, silicon, chromium, and copper (source). Lots of people rave about Jojoba oil and how it is great to use on the skin because of how closely its chemical structure is to the sebum that our bodies naturally produce. I like to use Jojoba oil much like I use the Shea butter, either after toner if I’m not using anything else or as a final Step. I do, however, sometimes use Jojoba oil during the day (unlike the Shea butter) but I am careful to use a very small amount as it can be pretty greasy as well. I also like to use Jojoba oil to oil cleanse, it gets those oil plugs out amazingly!

3.Trader Joe’s Moisturizer

This is one of my favorite moisturizers to use when I am in a pinch and have run out of some of my others. I can easily pick it up while grocery shopping and it’s super affordable. It is anything fancy, there aren’t any special ingredients, but it’s perfect. It does an excellent job of moisturizing the skin and, better still, not causing any breakouts! I also love the fact that it doesn’t have any special ingredients so that I can customize it from time to time with some of my favorite essential oils such as tea tree, sweet orange oil, lavender oil, and peppermint oil.

4.Origin Clear Improvement Pore Clearing Moisturizer

Origins is another skin care brand that makes amazing, (mostly) natural face masks that are tried and true. Their products claim to be formulated with all natural, and non-toxic ingredients (source). Origins is well-known for their “clean” stamp, and are formulated without a list of ingredients that are often found in other products. The Origins Clear Improvement Moisturizer is a rather new find for me. It contains salicylic which is known to be a great acne treatment as it helps to unclog pores (source). While you could use a different moisturizer with salicylic acid, I find that the Origins moisturizer does a really great job of controlling my oily spots on my face. I also love how a little goes a long way. So while it may be more expensive than a typical salicylic moisturizer, it’s worth every penny.

5.Origin’s High Potency Night-A-Mins Cream

Origins make yet another cameo. I’m not sponsored to talk about this product line (I wish!) I truly just love their products. The Origins High Potency Night-A-Mins is a skin resurfacing cream that contains AHAs which as great to “loosen old, dead skin and reveal fresh newer skin” (source). I’ve also found that it works extremely well when using it with the Origins Clear Improvement as salicylic acid is a BHA. This allows me to combat my acne on both the surface of the skin and deep into the pores. While I like to use the Origins Clear Improvement night and day, I like to use the Origins High Potency Night-A-Mins resurfacing cream at night only. This product is a forever staple for me. I use it every night and I started to see a difference in my skin in as little as a week. The one time that I ran out and was without it for 2 weeks my skin literally suffered! Never again…


I good moisturizer is crucial to achieving and maintaining clear, acne-free skin. While a lot of us grew up being told that we needed to “dry out” the acne, we’ve come to learn that that is a complete falsehood and can make acne worse. Maintain your skin’s proper moisture levels and biome and it will thank you!

What are some of your favorite moisturizers for acne-prone skin?