Let’s face it, pregnancy is the biggest blessing and curse known to (wo)man. If you are like me, you’re “morning sickness” (again, who came up with that B.S. term!?!) is terrifying. Contrary to popular belief, morning sickness can fall more on a spectrum between mild and severe. The severe cases are typically diagnosed as Hyperemesis Gravidarum and often require expecting mothers to be hospitalized. I would at least consider my morning sickness moderate to severe. While I was never diagnosed with HG, I think it was because I simply never went to the hospital to be diagnosed. Needless to say, I was yarfing EVERYWHERE! I learned very quickly that there were things I needed to keep with me at all times, because as a busy mom, I threw up around town more than I threw up in my own bathroom.

1.) Tissue

When you’re throwing up nothingness on the side of the road, you may need to wipe your mouth… or face… or clothes. The one thing that I never left home with out was tissue. I kept a box in my car and a travel-size package in my purse. When I ran out of my cute boxed tissue, I TOOK A ROLL FROM MY HOME. Honestly, tissue is a must-have when you are having more than just “morning sickness”.

2.) Travel-size Toothbrush and Toothpaste

Again, you never know when you’re going to be doubled over throwing up everything in your stomach (or everything in your abdominal cavity), and nothing is more disgusting than vomit breath. When you’re at home, your toothbrush is right there. But when you’re at work and you’ve got a meeting in 10 minutes, or you are at your mom’s house and your out-of-town relatives have decided to just show up… Yeah, having a travel size toothbrush and toothpaste will save your life.

It’s compact enough that you can stash them anywhere. It also typically comes in a pouch of some sorts, so you can trust that it’s staying grime-free when you chuck it in your purse. Lastly, IT’S CHEAP. I usually get mine from the Target travel bins for super cheap, but if you’re too sick to make it to the store they can be ordered off of Amazon and delivered to your doorstep. This is a “morning sickness” must have, GET one!

3.) Travel-size Mouthwash

In the same vein as the travel-sized toothbrush and toothpaste, mouthwash is clutch AF! the fact of the matter is you’re not always near a sink or running water. A travel-size bottle of mouthwash is what you need. I usually keep a bottle in my purse and in my car because that is typically when I need it. Again: small, cheap, necessary. GET SOME!

4.) Bathroom Stool

Last but certainly not least; every pregnant woman should have a stool in their bathroom. If you are already a mom like me, you may already have one for your little one to be able to wash their hands. USE IT! Chances are you’re already completely exhausted, and when you make that 5th trip to have a face-to-face convo with your toilet that floor is just beating you up. Having a stool to sit on made me a lot more “comfortable” during my most uncomfortable moments. It got me close enough to the toilet without me having to literally hit the floor. Also, because my stool is a two-step, sitting on the lower step almost made it like a little chair that I could lean back on and “relax”. We have to get out comforts where we can…

Pregnancy is hard enough. We deserve these simple comforts. We will not be defeated by this morning sickness that actually lasts all day because now we have a care package.
