While most places are open for business, I know that a lot of us are still opting to stay in due to CoVid. For me, the grocery store is a feasible reason to be out and about, but I just couldn’t bring myself to go to the gym. My gym is absolutely taking precautions, including regular wipe downs (which we do after leaving a station as well), reduced capacity, staggered times for classes to allow for adequate spacing and cleanings in between, you name it! But…

I’m still scared…

So, I haven’t been going. I’ve been sitting around day in and day out due to my sedentary job, being extra busy with at home duties because we are ALWAYS here, and newly found laziness. I quickly started to put on pounds and grow weaker than I was even before quarantine. Now, let’s not get it twisted, I definitely wasn’t some gym rat before the quarantine… I was consistently trying to be consistent at best. I’d work out 5 days a week… for a week or two… and then I’m back to simply trying to find time to work out for the next 3-4 weeks.

Because I’m so bad at staying consistent, I’m pretty much a weakling. I also have a knee injury from playing soccer in high school (that I later re-injured in college), AND I had diastasis recti that I never fully healed after either pregnancy. Needless to say, I needed workouts that would deliver results, but without injuries. So I went to Youtube looking specifically for videos that were low impact and that wouldn’t be too hard on my abs, knee, or noodle arms since they weren’t fully healed and were super weak.

Of course, I found them, and lately, I’ve been on the wagon! I’ve been consistently working out for 4 weeks (new personal record) and I’ve actually seen results! The best part though is that I’ve actually not had to work out long for than 30 minutes in my living room! I’m able to wake up, put on a Youtube video or two, and get a workout in before anyone even wakes up in the morning. Doing these videos at least 4 days a week (coupled with a few other practices like not overeating) allowed me to see results fast!

I figured the best thing to do is to share the wealth, so below I’ve listed

My Favorite Low to Moderate Youtube Workouts for a Flat Stomach and Strong Muscles

This video is one that I’m sure you’ve already heard about. Chloe Ting’s videos are known for their effectiveness. For me, I love that this workout is low impact and that she includes modifications as well.

Another one of Chloe Ting’s videos that I love. I always pair this one with the one above.

This workout totally humbled me. I’m happy to say that after consistent workouts, I’m finally getting stronger and I definitely owe some of that to this video. It’s a moderate workout, but not impossible to do when you’re as out of shape as I was starting out. I literally modified almost every move and still saw results.

This Chloe Ting ab workout is more of a moderate version of the above video. However, this video also includes modifications to some of the exercises, which I definitely needed!

This video isn’t as much of a workout video as it is a video were you can follow along. Instead, it is more of an informational video where Sarah gives you the exercises that she used to help heal her diastasis recti after 3 pregnancies. I also have/had diastasis recti after both of my pregnancies, and because I never worked out consistently, it never went away. I’ve been using the exercises that she shows in this video to help strengthen my core and correct my diastasis recti.

This is another video that I’ve added to my arsenal recently and I love it. This video is also more so informational where she shows you which exercises to do, but not necessarily the full workout (I like to do 2-3 sets). These moves have really helped me get a stronger core without hurting myself.

Have you tried any of these workouts? What are some other workout videos that you’re using for your at-home workouts?