Who starts a blog, and then disappears for months?

ME! That’s who!

This blog, my other baby, didn’t suddenly become less important. I got pregnant! (Yay?) This has seriously been the most difficult 4 months that I’ve had in a while. My morning sickness (who came up with that back-handed term anyway?) Has been brutal. Up until I was about 15 weeks, I couldn’t eat or drink, and was completely dependent on my community of family and friends. Seriously,I thought I was going to die on several occasions. It was hard enough to get up and out of bed everyday, so my poor little blog had to take a backseat… in the trunk… under the spare tire.


Needless to say, BABY I’M BACK! With this new exciting news, I’ll be writing about different tips, tricks, and products that I think could be of any use to you. Pregnancy is often hard enough, any little bit helps!
