The world is going through a seriously devastating time right now. Who would’ve thought that we would all be locked away in our homes and somewhat grateful for it. I sure as hell didn’t!

I spent a significant part of the first few weeks in quarantine feeling as though it wasn’t even real. It was as if I was dreaming this horrific event, or watching it on a movie. I wasn’t afraid at all it was just all kind of unfolding as I… watched. Once everything settled in and became a reality, I went into control overdrive. I set up sanitizing protocols, ordered groceries, got “school” and daycare expectations rolled out, and organized my Work-From-Home area. I was prepared for this quarantine physically, but I hadn’t planned for my mental well-being AT ALL. It wasn’t long before I was completely burned out. I had to stop and realize that I needed to prioritize some self-care.

I’m no stranger to overworking myself, but I had been doing much better lately. But during quarantine, it’s been really hard to turn it off when everything I do all day long is now under one roof.

  • I wake up
  • Clean up
  • I go to WorkSchoolDaycare for the next 10-12 hours (because I have to take frequent breaks to reach/parent/babysit throughout the day so my work hours are longer.
  • Log off of work to clock into my second, third, and fourth job as a Chef, Maid, and Laundry service until I…
  • Fall asleep on the couch from pure exhaustion
  • Wake up and do it again…


How I used to get a break in the good ol’ days…

After about 3-4 weeks into quarantine, I realized that I couldn’t keep going on like this. I had to intentionally carve out some me-time because it was just too easy to stay in overdrive with co much to do around the house these days. After implementing these few things, my mental health has been in a much better state.

5 Things to do for YOURSELF During Quarantine

1. Just Relaxing

It’s the weekend, my daughter is napping, my son is probably playing video games… I could get up off of the couch and begin to fold clothes, or clean out the cabinet under the kitchen sink… OR NOT! I’m a busy bee, so sometimes when I’m not doing something I get a little hard on myself and I feel like I should be doing something productive. I had to let go of that train of thought, especially during quarantine. I had to say to myself; It’s okay to not be doing something right now! Just relax, you deserve it. If for some reason the quiet makes you uncomfortable (it made me uncomfortable for a while) turn on some music and just enjoy it. I really enjoy Lo-Fi music with no words to really help clean my thoughts, or binaural beats if I want to be a bit more meditative, or any good dance music if I just need to let loose!

My Lo-Fi Playlist can be found on my Youtube Channel

The book I finally finished…

2. Reading

If I feel the need to absolutely be doing something during those mid-day quiet times, I pick up a book. I love to read, but since becoming a mom most of the books I read are children’s books. I’ve been trying to get back into the habit of reading for fun again, and not for bedtime or learning our alphabet. I’ve also began making it a point to lie down with a book at night instead of my phone (which is a good habit to pick up at any time!) even though I often fall asleep before I can finish a chapter. Doing this, I actually find that I sleep more soundly and wake up more rested in the morning.

Waveformers… I love…

3. Taking care of /Experimenting with Your Hair

This was the perfect time to give my hair the much needed break and TLC that it needed. Because I don’t have to go anywhere that means that I don’t have to style my hair everyday. It also means that I don’t have to rush through wash day because I have somewhere to be tonight or tomorrow morning. Take this time to truly analyze what your hair needs, and then take the time to give it to her! I’ve also been making it a oint to experiment with different DIYs and protective styles. If the style or DIY doesn’t come out right, it’s okay because no one is going to see it and you still have time to perfect it!

I had to dust off my baby…

4.Learn Something New or Hone Your Skills

During quarantine is probably the most TLC my houseplants have ever received. I’ve always taken pretty good care of them, but with this quarantine time, I’ve really been able to baby them. I’ve taken the time to read yp on what they may need, fertilize them, repot them, move them to more optimal areas of the house, etc. I’ve also started growing a few other plants through propagation which I’ve never done before. I’ve also been reteaching myself to sew with my sewing machine which is perfect since we’re all being encouraged to sew masks! (here’s the official CDC guide). Take this time to learn something that you’ve always wanted, regardless of how “useful” it may or may not be to your daily (regular) life.

Painting my daughter’s tiny little nails

5. Enjoy Family Time and Show Gratitude

Sometime I just have to step back and be thankful and grateful for my family and our health, and enjoy spending time with them. It’s easy to get so wrapped up in how exhausted you are and worrying about what you don’t have or what you might need (toilet paper!!!). But it’t truly best to focus on the fact that you are all healthy and at home.

So what are you doing for your mental well-being during quarantine?